We are a FIRST® LEGO® League Jr. Team 4323 - B.E.E.s (Brownie, Exceptional, Engineers), a Girl Scout Team of girls in Kindergarten through 4th grade. We love working together and having fun. We are learning about simple machines and how to build them. This is our tenth year and we are so so excited about the "Masterpiece" challenge.
The Future is Yours to Create
In the MASTERPIECESM challenge, FIRST® LEGO® League students will imagine and innovate new ways to create and communicate art across the globe. Do you have an idea of a new way to create art? So what do you think art is really? A painting, a sculpture, a song, a piece of code.. the sky is the limit with your imagination.
We enjoyed learning all we could about how to get the people around us to move more and simple machines of our world.
We are a Girl Scout Team in Titusville Florida. We have been working together since mid-June and are enjoying learning about new things and trying new concepts. We started out learning about "bees" which is our team name. B.E.E.s is an acronym for Brownie Exceptional Engineers.
We are having a great time creating our model and adding all the simple machines... Lever, Screw, Wheel and Axle, Incline plane, Wedge, and Pulley.
FIRST® LEGO® League Jr. team members and adult Coaches and Volunteers all agree – season-ending events (Expos and Houston's FIRST® LEGO® League Jr. World Expo) are the most amazing, inspiring experiences they’ve ever had. Where else can you make new friends, share ideas, watch older kids compete with robots, and get pumped up over technology all while having the time of your lives? Kids realize more than ever that FIRST is all about teamwork, sharing, helping others, and respect.
Here is a sneak peek of the 2024-2025 Season
Have some fun building cool elements on your model.
2023-2023 Award:
- Team Postern - Festival at the Sands Space History Center
2022-2023 Award:
- Coding Award - Festival at the Sands Space History Center
2018-2019 Awards:
- Amazing Movement - Gemini Expo
- Simply Awesome Machine Award - Orlando Library Exploding Bacon Event
2017-2018 Awards:
- Solid As A Rock Model Design Award - Legoland
- Amazing Movement for their model and Artistic Eye Award for their poster - Gemini Expo
- Simply Awesome Machine Award - Orlando Library Exploding Bacon Event
2016-2017 Awards:
- Amazing Movement Award - Exploding Bacon Library Expo
- Simply Awesome Machine Award - World Expo
- Master Programmer Award - LEGOLand Expo
Thank you for stopping by and learning about our team!